Friday, March 02, 2007

Poking head out from under the rock that I apparently crawled under...

Hmm, ever since TallyScrapper opened it seems that we've all been neglecting our blogs- myself included. So what have I been up to this week?
  • I'm becoming a knitting machine! Working away on the monkey, but then ran out of brown yarn. That was on Monday, I think. Can't get to the store until Saturday. So I finished up all the tan parts of the monkey so at lest I was still making progress.
  • Then yesterday I picked up some other yarn so that I could start a bag for a co-worker. See, I was "supposed to" get her a disco ball for Christmas, but I never did get her that. So when she saw my bag she commented that I could make her one instead of getting the disco ball. She was kidding, but I liked the idea. So after 3 hours of knititng while watching TV last night, the bottom of the bag is finished and I've started the sides.
  • My eBay Quickutz additcion flared up again. I've received three of my purchases and awaiting one more. Now I just need to actually use them.
  • Sized and printed pictures for a scraplift I plan to do. Only problem is that I need to do some sewing on the LO and Andrew still has my machine.
  • Sized 56 pictures for the final page of my 2006 album. (Not final as in I'll be done when this LO is completed, but final as in last page of the album). Waiting for that to be delivered and then I can finish up the page. It's also kind of a scraplift.
  • Placed a TallyScrapper order. Bunch of fun goodies coming my way.
There might be more going on, but that's all I can remember for now. Coming up this weekend are game night with York and Carolyn tonight (I think we're playing Apples to Apples), haircut tomorrow, and a bunch of errands. Hopefully I'll be able to get some scrapping time in, too.


Michelle said...

I heard that "Apples to Apples" was a fun game. Have you played it before?

ChristyR said...

Never heard of Apples to Apples! Can't wait to see what it's like. Umm let's see love all the layouts you've done, glad your knitting and oh so jealous, can't wait to see the do.

The Hallman Tribe said...

wish i knew how to knit....maybe one day i will seeing all your creative stuff!!! oh...never heard of that game either