Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Recognize Anyone?

My tape on the famous Ali Edwards Christmas Card Layout. Sorry I had to crop out some of your family members. 1 3/8" is really small. And this was after I had scanned in and reduced the pics.


ChristyR said...

I love it!! It is gorgeous and I dunno but I think it looks better than AE's...I see my daughter was cropped out but that's okay. I'm flattered that you would put us on your page!! I still have my xmas cards sitting on our bench by the front door-I'm doing this today and will post! I've got to copy you. It looks spectacular!

~Mel said...

WHOOOO HOOOO - I made it on the page!

This came out great, and I love your title on the left side.

Well done. Good for you for being productive last night... is that why you weren't on IM?

Vanessa B. said...

I'm so psyched - and what a cool layout! I'm thinking I may have to jump on this bandwagon. Very cool.