Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Things that Crack Me Up!

We were in Stop & Shop. Ketchup was on our list. Chris stops and starts laughing. I look over and start laughing. Realizing I don't have my normal camera with me, I start taking pictures with my phone. Multiple people walked down the aisle as I was crouched down taking pictures of ketchup. I didn't care. I find this highly entertaining. I even bought a certain bottle to send to a friend who I think will appreciate the "dijon ketchup". Not sure if she reads my blog or not. If so, hope you enjoy it when you get it!


ChristyR said...

Finally! A condiment that's entertaining!

~Mel said...

I've never seen that in a regular grocery store - that's freakin' fantastic!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I never read your blog until a few days ago because you never told me you had one!

I'll have you know this in the first bottle of ketchup we've ever owned. We hate ketchup. I'm sure it'll never get used. It'll probably go on the shelf next to our commemorative can of Spam-A-Lot SPAM that we got from the SPAM museum.