Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Derby Cars are Rolling In

We got our first mail-in entry for the Derby last night. It's... special. I'll have to update later with a picture. I had mailed a kit to my brother. Well, he didn't make the car, but apparently a hiker named Trout whittled it. I'll have to put the wheels on and maybe bring it up to weight, but yay for getting an entry! I had half expected my brother to mail me back the kit untouched, so was pleased to see this. And I don't even really mind that Andrew wasn't the one to whittle it.


ChristyR said...

we are going to make a car too! i clicked on your link to the derby thing but it's not working. where can i find the kits again?

Chris said...

Kits are available from any Boy Scout Store. Or I found one place online. If you're desparate, I can mail you a kit.

And I know I promised a pic of Trout's car, but my computer was on the fritz last night.